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Research areas at CIMT

CIMT is Denmark’s largest centre for research in telemedicine and eHealth.

CIMT works with all research units at the University of Southern Denmark – including the Faculties of Health Sciences, Engineering, Humanities, Science and Business and Social Sciences to ensure a cross-functional and multidisciplinary approach to research and the implementation of research results.

OUH houses all medical specialities, and CIMT works across the entire hospital and with all fields. This broad collaboration makes the difference as the health sector prepares for the patients of the future.

The researchers in CIMT cover a wide range of research areas within health technology. The researchers come from many different fields, and the PhD students count doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, engineers and economists.

The variation means that research in CIMT covers effects on patients’ health and clinical outcomes, effects on patients experiences and satisfaction, effects on patient security, effects on work environment and the organisation, technical aspects (e.g. integration to IT systems) as well as economic, ethical and legal aspects.

Research areas in CIMT cover:

  • Evaluating and documenting the clinical effects of telemedicine and other new health technologies
  • Research of patient experiences and participatory design
  • Research in best practice when implementing new technology
  • An economic evaluation of telemedicine/new technology
  • Organisational studies
  • MAST – multidisciplinary evaluation of telemedicine
  • Methods to evaluate integrated care solutions/cross-sector IT solutions for healthcare.


The two research and innovation centres Centre for Clinical Artificial Intelligence (CAI-X) and Centre for Clinical Robotics (CCR) host the research activities regarding artificial intelligence and robot technology in the health care sector.