The EU project SmartCare builds on the platform Shared Care, which was initiated by the Region of Southern Denmark.
Start: March 2013
End: August 2016
The Shared Care platform is a communication platform that provides the healthcare professional with a general view of the patient’s current status gathered on one screen, including data from all three sectors. The platform is developed to support the collaboration between medical practice, municipality and hospital regarding complex patient courses.
Overall the SmartCare project was to collect and share experiences with IT support of complex patient courses from different European countries.
The SmartCare project has ensured a greater focus on intersectoral handling of citizens with complex patient courses in Europe. SmartCare has made it possible for health professionals to collaborate across sectors. In that way, they are able to support patients with complex courses in a new way.
All of the ten pilot regions in the project have succeeded in implementing an intersectoral IT platform that supports the chosen patient courses.
In addition, SmartCare has initiated the development of the possible applications of the MAST model, making it usable for the assessment of intersectoral IT-supported courses for citizens with chronic diseases.
SmartCare included more than 20 European regions and more that 40 partners – The Region of Southern Denmark was one of the first four pilot regions.
The project was funded by the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP), grant agreement number 325158.

Lea Bohn
Communications & Event Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 5164 0948