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Tough competition at InnoEvent 2019

Once again, InnoEvent was a blast in week 11. Here, 160 Odense students from 9 different programmes from UCL Business Academy and University of Southern Denmark competed.

The theme for InnoEvent 2019 was "The close and connected healthcare system" with a special focus on diabetes, and there had to be a winner from each of the four cases, which this year was presented by Steno Diabetes Center Odense:

  • Newly diagnosed diabetes – what now?
  • Ethnic minorities with diabetes
  • How can you prevent low blood sugar and relieve anxiety?
  • Interaction between general practice and the citizen with type 2 diabetes

This year's judges were very impressed by the high level of the solutions, and it was thus not only the students who came home with new knowledge in their backpacks. Nurse Ulla Linding Jørgensen is also happy with the experience, "It has been really fun and interesting to participate as a judge at InnoEvent, and I am impressed by the students' innovative proposals for technological aids. The solutions have been very different from smart apps, the use of virtual reality to the development of an invasive glucose meter, and it will be exciting to see if we will in the future meet some of the good solutions in practice.”

OUH puts DKK 10,000 up for InnoEvent 2019 winners

This year, the four case winners came home with more than the honour. They have had the opportunity to apply for up to DKK 10,000 from Odense University Hospital, which will be used to continue working with their winning idea. To receive the money, the winners have made an application in which they present their considerations for further work with the solution. Here, the winners have also reflected on how the solution creates value, how the solution can be implemented and how the product or service can best reach the intended target group.

All four winning groups have submitted their application, which will be assessed by OUH Chief Executive Director Peder Jest and Head of Innovation Tessa Lind Gjødesen. We look forward to the decision!