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Closing conference for the GERI Toolbox

The GERI Toolbox - a tool for detecting acute illness in older citizens in their own homes - started in 2017 and has just been completed at the end of 2019.

The project extends across the sectors of the healthcare system and involves hospitals, municipalities and general practitioners. The aim of the project is to prevent emergency admissions of elderly citizens, because it is often a burden for the citizen, resource-intensive for the hospital and increases the need for help at home afterwards.

With the GERI Toolbox, the municipality's emergency nurses can detect and treat illness early, so that it does not develop and require major treatment and hospitalisation. Using the equipment in the toolbox, the nurse can carry out clinical measurements (e.g. infection and fluid counts), so that the diagnosis can be made early in collaboration with the elderly citizen's own doctor.

For the closing conference, professor and senior physician Karen Andersen-Ranberg could tell that the GERI Toolbox has generally been received positively by both citizens and partners in the project. The final project results, which will be published in the spring of 2020 in a report from VIVE, will show whether the GERI Toolbox has led to fewer acute hospitalisations, as was hoped at the time of its introduction.

Read more about the GERI Toolbox project here.