Video consultations at Odense University Hospital
The use of video calls, especially with outpatients, is steadily increasing and will in time have great importance not only for the patients, but also for the healthcare staff.
Start: 1 December 2022
End: 31 December 2023
The patients’ experience of video calls with the hospital is crucial for the spread of their use. Partly because satisfaction is a prerequisite for the patients at Odense University Hospital (OUH) to use the service, and partly because the patients’ satisfaction is also important for the healthcare staff’s willingness to use video calls.
The overall purpose of the project was to investigate patients’ experience of the increasing use of video chats between patients and healthcare staff at the hospitals in Region Southern Denmark, as well as the effect of the learning process in the clinical departments regarding competencies in video chats with patients and the clinical effect of patients’ participation in video consultations. It was expected that the project would shed light on what obstacles there may be to spreading video calls to all patients, including people with limited resources who may need special measures.
The project consisted of four work packages, of which CIMT was responsible for one: Survey of Patient Satisfaction.
The study included all patients who had completed video consultations with healthcare staff at OUH over the course of 6 months. It was expected that a minimum of 7000 patients be invited to participate. The survey was based on an existing validated questionnaire.
CIMT was responsible for Work Package 1: Survey of Patient Satisfaction.
In addition to CIMT, the Centre for Patient Communication, the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and the Centre for Clinical Artificial Intelligence were also partners in the project.
The project was funded by OUH, Helsefonden and the Region of Southern Denmark’s Health Service Research Pool.

Ida Wagner Josefsson
HTA Consultant
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2466 9951

Kristian Kidholm
Professor, Head of Research
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 6541 7960