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Hanne Kaae Kristensen

Hanne Kaae Kristensen has been associated with CIMT as a reseacher since 2022.

Hanne Kaae Kristensen

  • Occupational Therapist, Associate
    Professor at UCL University College
  • Professor at the Department of
    Clinical Research at the University
    of Southern Denmark.

View Hanne’s publications

Hanne has worked as an occupational therapist, manager and clinical teacher in municipal and regional rehabilitation for a number of years. Her research deals with cross-sectoral social and healthcare practice that takes place in close collaboration with regional and municipal workplaces.

Her current fields of research include activity science, occupational therapy, dementia, rehabilitation and implementation research. Here, she prioritises research which develops and implements new knowledge in an interprofessional and international perspective with an emphasis on user involvement and knowledge sharing.

Hanne graduated as an occupational therapist from the Occupational Therapist programme in Odense in 1986, and today she is employed as an associate professor at UCL University College and as a professor at the Department of Clinical Research at the University of Southern Denmark. She is affiliated with Odense University Hospital through CIMT.