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ImpleMentAll at HIMMS conference

On Wednesday 12 June, ImpleMentAll representatives will present the project and preliminary results at the HIMMS Europe conference taking place in Helsinki, Finland.

ImpleMentAll is a European collaboration for faster and more efficient implementation of telemedicine, etc. You can meet the ImpleMentAll project at HIMMS in the session "ImpleMentAll project: A new era of implementation" on Wednesday, June 12 at 4:30 - 5:30 in rooms 204 and 205.

The session is divided into four parts. First, project coordinator Claus Duedal Pedersen presents the project and the objectives. He is followed by scientific coordinator Christian Vis, who provides an approach to the scientific background and development by presenting the tools that ImpleMentAll uses to achieve its goals.

The short introductions are followed by a longer presentation of how a scientific approach can optimise an implementation process using examples from the project's partners in Albania and Kosovo. Finally, the session is rounded off by Marc Lange, general secretary of EHTEL, who talks about the implementation and building of competences within digital transformation.

You can read more about the ImpleMentAll project on the official website.