European projects with telemedicine often conclude when the funding ceases upon the conclusion of the project period, instead of being implemented as a part of the daily operations of the hospital.
Start: February 2012
End: July 2014
Therefore, the partners in the Momentum network were to collaborate on defining a set of methods that could support the implementation of telemedical solutions. The Momentum project was a so-called ‘thematic network’ in which European key operators shared knowledge of and experience with the implementation of telemedical services.
Momentum’s general aim was to make telemedicine viable by addressing the challenges that emerge in relation to the distribution of telemedicine. The intention was to create a joint telemedicine quality management system – a form of a template, which would function as a basis for telemedical projects in the future. It was to function as the European frame of reference for the distribution of telemedicine.
Momentum was an open network, which was expanded from the initial partners to a wider forum to unite health organisations and institutions, professional international and national stakeholder groups and networks of health professionals and patients.
The result of Momentum was an active and viable network of telemedicine operators throughout Europe. The collaboration continued in the network of EHTEL.
View a list of the project partners.
The project was funded by the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP), which is a part of the “Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme” within the European Commission.

Lise Kvistgaard Jensen
HTA Consultant
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 6541 7930