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ADLIFE kick off

The EU project ADLIFE has recently held its official kick off event for the parties involved.

ADLIFE is short for Integrated Personalised Care for Patients with Advanced Chronic Diseases to Improve Health and Quality of Life, and the project seeks to better the life quality of the elderly, chronically ill by using innovative and intelligent personal care across sectors.

From Odense University Hospital nurse specialist Anne Sorknæs leads a work package on patient empowerment, which will help define the elements in a patient empowerment platform (PEP). In addition, the Department of Internal Medicine and Acute Medicine at Odense University Hospital – Svendborg is pilot site in the project and will test a new, cross-sectorial platform for severely ill heart and lung patients. PhD student Natassia Kamilla Juul is also part of the project.

Read more about the ADLIFE project here.