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CIMT Annual Report 2017

CIMT's annual report for 2017 is ready. In the annual report, you can e.g. see awards and nominations for CIMT in 2017, read a summary of the year from both the innovation and research areas of CIMT, see completed and new projects from 2017 and a brief description of some of our events in the past year.

In 2017, we have, among other things, experienced that

– the number of publications from CIMT researchers is still increasing. In 2017, we published a total of 54. Our interdisciplinary strength is also clearly expressed in the publications, which are largely published by researchers across the scientific disciplines. Tessa Lind Gjødesen, head of innovation at OUH and day-to-day manager of CIMT elaborates: "The researchers in CIMT publish a large number of articles, and it is gratifying to see the significant cross-disciplinary basis for the articles and research. It is the very lifeblood of CIMT that we collaborate across the board and bring our different expertise into play, so that patients get complete solutions.”

- we have completed a large number of projects, e.g. PAATH - a test of technique and cooperation across sectors, which showed such good results that it was continued in the new project about the GERI suitcase.

- our application for the large EU project ImpleMentAll on implementation research has gone through, and CIMT has the role of overall coordinator for the project with chief consultant Claus Duedal Pedersen at the forefront. Kristian Kidholm, head of research and head of OUH's evaluation unit, explains: "Implementation and the staff's use of new telemedicine treatments is often a weak point in relation to getting the projects completely on target. At CIMT, we have a strong focus on the need for research into good implementation methods, which is why we have also been given the role of leader of the ImpleMentAll project. It has provided contact with many of Europe's very best implementation researchers and will in the long run also contribute to even better implementation of telemedicine in CIMT and at OUH."

Mette Maria Skjøth, research manager for the Region of Southern Denmark in ImpleMentAll elaborates: "The ImpleMentAll project will develop an evidence-based tool to make the implementation of eHealth more efficient and accurate. The development is based on implementation research and involves researchers and developers from eight European countries and Australia. In the project, existing eHealth initiatives form the basis for the development, application and evaluation of new strategies for implementation and provide a unique opportunity to be able to develop an overall tool to support implementation".