The desired outcome from this project was to reduce the number of acute admissions of patients with atrial flutters as well as to study the possibility of replacing the monitoring during hospital admissions with monitoring at home.
Start: 2009
End: 2015
The method was the so-called “e-bandaid”, named ePatch®, which was able to perform wireless measurings of the cardiac rhythm in the patients’ private homes, making admissions to the hospital unnecessary.
The project consisted of two phases. The aim of the first phase of the project (2009-2012) was to develop an operational prototype, which would replace the monitoring during admission to the hospital with home monitoring. This would provide the patients with a greater feeling of freedom and release resources at the hospital.
By continuous measurings directly on the body in the home of the patient, the hospital can retrieve critical data through both stethoscopy and cardiac rhythm. The measurings provide continuous indications of deterioration and allow endeavours early on. Furthermore, the patient is given a better insight into the disease and is involved in both diagnosis and treatment.
The first phase included development and testing of the technology at Odense University Hospital and demonstrating the aspired effect – clinically and financially – without reducing the patient’s experience of their course.
Phase two consisted of large clinical testings for the validation of the potential of the technology and the initiation of working with implementing the ePatch® in the daily operations of the hospital as a permanent offer for the citizens that need to be monitored for possible atrial flutters.
The project achieved its goal when the technology developed during the period was tested at Odense University Hospital and was shown to have achieved the desired effect – clinically and financially – without impairing the patients' experience of their treatment course. The assessment consisted of, among other things, an HTA report on the evaluation of ePatch's labour-saving potential.
ePatch® is a form of large electronic patch carried on the body. Censors in the patch meassure and send data to a portable recipient, which sends data to the systems of the hospital. All in all, the patch functions exactly like a regular heart monitor electrode – only wireless.
Partners on the project were Delta and SOS International.
The first phase of the project was funded by DKK 22.8 mio by the ABT Fund (now: Fonden for Velfærdsteknologi), which was distributed to the firm of Delta Electronics, who developed the ePatch® technology in collaboration with heart specialists at the hospital and innovation consultants from CIMT.
The second phase of the project was funded by Fornyelsesfonden (now: Markedsmodningsfonden) and means from the Patient@Home project.

Lea Bohn
Communications & Event Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 5164 0948 lea.bohn@rsyd.dk