Video interpretation
Video interpretation is an important part of the daily operations of the clinical departments at Odense University Hospital (OUH). It is a relatively new service, which is used in consultations with patients, who do not speak or understand Danish to a degree that makes it possible to communicate with the staff.
Start: 2009
End: 2011
The implementation of video interpretation took place as a part of a national project from 2009 to 2011. In the fall of 2014, video interpretation accounted for 88 % of the joint number of interpretations at OUH.
Expectations of the project were i.e. to avoid using relatives as interpreters and avoid a waste of time and resources in relation to transport and patients that fail to turn up.
All in all, both patients and staff were pleased with the project, which limits the use of relatives as interpreters. It also reduces the risk of the interpreter and the patient being acquainted from the community, which may cause ethical problems and awkward situations.
By means of video interpretation, a physical examination can be carried out with interpretation, because the camera may be turned off or covered without losing the sound.
Interpretation via video is a benefit for “small” languages because the hospital is no longer dependent on an interpreter in the locality. It also affords the possibility of offering acute interpretations, since the interpreter only needs to be available and avoids using time on transportation to the hospital.
An additional advantage is the booking process, which has been made digital. This makes it easier for the hospital to keep an eye on and control the use of interpreters, and it has been made easier for the departments to view and change their bookings.
An assistance from an interpreter delivered through a video conference. By interpreting through video, the patient, doctor and interpreter are able to see and hear each other, but the interpreter is not physically present. Video interpretation is available in more or less all languages, including sign language.
Fonden for Velfærdsteknologi.

Kristian Kidholm
Professor, Head of Research
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 6541 7960