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MAS-AI: The world’s first holistic model for assessment of AI

Artificial intelligence is a major disrupting force in our future healthcare system. The potentials are grand, the interest in AI technologies likewise, but until now, we have not had a comprehensive model to assess the value of the new technology and assist decision making.

Enter MAS-AI. MAS-AI is a health technology assessment-based framework to support the introduction of AI technologies into healthcare in medical imaging. Medical imaging was chosen due to the maturity of AI in this area, ensuring a robust, evidence-based model.

A two-step model

The MAS-AI guideline consists of two steps covering nine domains and five process factors supporting the assessment. Step 1 contains a description of patients, how the AI model was developed, and initial ethical and legal considerations. In step 2, a multidisciplinary assessment of outcomes of the AI application is done for the five remaining domains: safety, clinical aspects, economics, organisational aspects, and patient aspects.


MAS-AI was developed in three phases. First, a literature review of existing guides, evaluations, and assessments of the value of AI in the field of medical imaging. Next, leading researchers in AI in Denmark were interviewed.

The third phase consisted of two workshops where decision makers, patient organisations, and researchers discussed crucial topics for evaluating AI. The multidisciplinary team revised the model between workshops according to comments.

The model for assessment of AI

Comprehensive assessment of AI (or any other technology) is essential to ensure informed and valid decisions regarding the adoption of the technology with a structured process and tool.

MAS-AI can help support decision making and provide greater transparency for all parties.

Read the article “Model for ASsessing the value of Artificial Intelligence in medical imaging (MAS-AI)” in The Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care (login required).

Read more about the MAS-AI project.