Kristian Kidholm appointed as adjunct professor at Norwegian university hospital
Kristian Kidholm, innovation professor and head of research at CIMT has been appointed as adjunct professor at St. Olavs Hospital – Trondheim University Hospital and at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Here, he will guide researchers and PhD-students researching in digital health technologies. Kristian says this about the appointment and the cooperation:
“Though the countries are different, it’s fun to see how similar Odense University Hospital (OUH) and St. Olavs Hospital are in many ways. Like OUH, St. Olav has an innovation centre, several telemedicine projects and a great focus on video consultations. Multiple of our PhD-projects study very similar digital interventions on the same patient groups. But we also have differences which we can benefit from by sharing our knowledge and experience.”
Kristian Kidholm will host his inaugural lecture on Thursday, 4th of November 2021.