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Event provided new inspiration for the use of robot technology

On 29 October, CIMT held its first networking event on robots in healthcare. Over 50 participants from i.a. ten clinical departments at OUH and nine robotics companies had announced their arrival at the event and were ready with ideas and issues for discussion.

The purpose of the event was to generate new ideas for projects and create contact between clinical staff at OUH, robotics companies in the Odense cluster and robotics researchers from the University of Southern Denmark.

The programme featured two short presentations from OUH on the visions for robots in the hospital as well as the presentation of an ongoing research project on a robot platform for ultrasound scanning, which has received money from OUH's Innovation Pool in spring 2018.

In order to get an insight into how the local robot companies work with solutions for the health sector, each company gave a short presentation. After this, the rest of the event was spent talking freely in small groups among the participants to identify areas where perhaps new robotic projects can be established for the benefit of patients and staff at OUH.

The event was a great success and once the dialogue was started, it was almost unstoppable, and the room was buzzing with talk and good ideas.

Against this background, we expect to repeat the event in the spring of 2019 - keep an eye on this page, follow our newsletter or LinkedIn page - or contact innovation consultant Lea Bohn at - if you would like to receive information about upcoming events about robots and healthcare technology directly to your inbox.