Home monitoring with Apple Health Kit
In the health sector, there is an increasing focus on short term hospital stays and the possibility of care and treatment in one’s own home – both to save resources at the hospital, but especially to make the course of treatment more comfortable for the patient and less interfering in their everyday life.
Start: September 2016
End: November 2017
Apple Health Kit was an app on iPhones that could be used to collect and show data from other apps that were able to count steps, measure the blood pressure or register weight.
In collaboration with the Apple and Medware, CoLab Odense built a test setup that connected Apple Health Kit with the app My Hospital. This way, data was transferred directly from the patient’s smartphone to the app My Hospital and thereby to the medical chart system Cosmic.
The project covered three smaller projects that built on the results of one another.
The projects were:
- The development of a test setup at the Department of Nephrology at OUH
- A generic test setup, including the planning and completion of five tests of patient care with monitoring equipment for blood pressure, weight, sleep and Apple Watch
- A project with CoLab plug’n’play to develop a manual for the development of courses based on experiences from the completed tests of technology and patient care
The aim of the project was to provide patients with chronic diseases (initially kidney patients) with the possibility of monitoring from home, and thereby decrease the number of hospital trips. The first setup focused on the monitoring of blood pressure, but the setup could be expanded to self-monitoring of weight, sleep etc.
The patients expressed satisfaction with the possibility of monitoring blood pressure at home in peace; a few expressed that it was nice to be able to do everything at once and know immediately that the blood pressure value was sent.

Malte Kongstad Deleuran
Innovation Consultant
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2165 7146 mkd@rsyd.dk