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App for osteoporosis

CIMT researchers have recently published a new article of three on the process towards an app for women with osteoporosis.

The new article describes the process from idea to finished prototype. The article follows up on a previous article where researchers have identified the needs among women with osteoporosis, but without fractures. The women want tailored and targeted information about osteoporosis with focus on the advantages when the condition is detected before broken bones.

In addition, the women wish to be better prepared for consultation with the general practitioner where they decide on treatment. After the diagnosis they want help to handle the condition in their everyday life and knowledge about what they can do to strengthen their bones.

The article and the process is part of Pernille Ravn Jakobsen’s PhD project. The finished app prototype is tested in the third phase of the project.

Read the article Development of an mHealth Application for Women Newly Diagnosed with Osteoporosis without Preceding Fractures.

You can also read the previous article Left in limbo – Experiences and needs among postmenopausal women newly diagnosed with osteoporosis without preceding osteoporotic fractures.