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Senior researcher Thomas Lund

Thomas Lund has been associated with CIMT since January 2024.

Thomas Lund

  • Postdoc, MD
  • Chief Physician at Department
    of Haematology, OUH
  • Clinical lecturer at Department
    of Clinical Research, Research
    Unit of Haematology, SDU

View Thomas' publications.

Thomas is an MD from Aarhus University and is currently chief physician at the Department of Haematology at Odense University Hospital (OUH) specialising in multiple myeloma, bone marrow cancer. Since 2003, his work and research has dealt with haematological cancers, particularly in relation to diagnostics and treatment of multiple myeloma. He has been a board member of the Nordic Myeloma Study Group since 2021.

Thomas has worked extensively with the development and implementation of chemotherapy in the patients' own home, and today the Department of Haematology offers certain types of chemotherapy as partial home treatment, which helps to improve the patients' quality of life.

In 2023, he and the Myeloma team at the Department of Haematology won the Athena Prize, the Danish Nursing Council's professional award for innovative nursing efforts, for the team's introduction of home treatment for patients with haematological cancer.

In CIMT, Thomas' research into home treatment of haematological disease helps to test and gather experience about the use of home treatment, which other departments at OUH can use in their development of patient services. In addition, Thomas works with the implementation of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM).