The project focused on the delivery of healthcare benefits and support for elderly citizens with complex needs for social and healthcare, who had a high risk of admissions to hospitals or healthcare centres, because they were in need of treatment for numerous chronic disorders.
Start: primo 2014
End: ultimo 2016
CareWell therefore used new IT solutions to improve the coordination, communication, monitoring, self-management and involvement of relatives in the current treatment and care.
The new solutions were to improve the communication and coordination between the health personnel in different sectors and in that way create a better coherence in the treatment of elderly patients in their own homes.
The aim of the CareWell project was to create solutions that make the patients able to live a more independent life, provide better circumstances for the involvement of relatives, and create a more coherent patient experience for patients receiving care from several different units and sectors.
The solutions were also meant to ensure better utilisation of the resources used on care in the involved sectors and a better collaboration among the nursing staff.
The partners of the project consist of six European regions.
Funding came from ICT PSP.

Rikke Lyngholm Christensen
Programme Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2462 9727