FAST-MRI: AI optimised MRI for acute stroke
A patient who suffers from an acute stroke must be MRI scanned as quickly as possible in order to receive the right treatment in time. Every minute is of vital importance, and for that reason there is a great potential in researching whether artificial intelligence (AI) can help improve the efficiency of the MRI procedure.
Start: December 2020
End: December 2024
This PhD project will test the Danish-developed Apollo system, the only known AI able to assist in reviewing scan images and making decisions when using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for brain scans. Using AI will create a new workflow with new potentials, which this project will explore.
In addition, the project will evaluate the accuracy and speed of the diagnoses of the AI-system.
The project will systematically collect information from scientific literature about other available AI-systems for MR brain scans of stroke patients. The accuracy of the Apollo system will then be validated in a retrospective clinical cohort study and finally, the PhD project will assess the potential benefits of the new workflow.
The project is rooted in the Research and Innovation Unit of Radiology at Odense University Hospital. The company Cerebriu has developed the Apollo System.
This is a PhD project by Jonas Asgaard Bojsen and is stationed at the Centre for Clinical Artificial Intelligence (CAI-X). Read more about the project at CAI-X.

Jonas Asgaard Bojsen
Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology
(+45) 6541 2155

Benjamin S. Rasmussen
Associate Professor, MD (Radiologist), Head of Clinical Research at CAI-X
Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology and Centre for Clinical AI (CAI-X)
(+45) 2434 1749 CAI-X