Cost-effectiveness analysis of pandemic response
Major epidemics and pandemics such as covid-19 and influenza can quickly cause a large influx of patients in the hospitals and thus challenge the hospitals’ capacity for beds as well as staff and equipment.
Start: Spring 2021
End: August 2025
Full hospitals with intense pressure on especially emergency rooms and wards increase the risk of virus spreading.
Therefore, a new model for epidemic management and preparedness in the healthcare system is being tested and implemented at Nordsjællands Hospital. The project is called “Influenz-er” and aims to make treatment at home during an epidemic easier through digital solutions, where patients can self-monitor the course of their epidemic-related illness and get in touch with healthcare professionals quickly.
The aim of the project is to analyse the cost-effectiveness of the telemedicine intervention called Influenz-er for pandemic response. Production loss (the loss that occurs when citizens, due to illness, are unable to work) is larger during pandemics than during other illnesses. Because of this, it is particularly important to analyse pandemic efforts in terms of economy and the project seeks to investigate how health economic assessment can handle productivity costs during a pandemic.
Nordsjællands Hospital in North Zealand, Nordic Health Lab and the University of Southern Denmark are partners on the project.
The project is a PhD project by Maja Kjær Rasmussen. View her publications.
The project is funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark’s Grand Solutions programme.

Maja Kjær Rasmussen
HTA Consultant
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 5190 0893