Head of Research Kristian Kidholm
Kristian Kidholm is Professor of Innovation at the Department of Clinical Research at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and Odense University Hospital (OUH) and one of the Nordics' leading experts in assessment of the value of health technology.
Kristian Kidholm
- Professor of Innovation at OUH
- Head of Research at CIMT
- Adjunct professor at St.
Olav's Hospital and Norwegian
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Kristian is Head of Research at CIMT and responsible for coordinating and managing the centre's research efforts, CIMT's PhD Club, PhD courses etc.
"OUH is already well advanced in the use of digital health technologies such as apps for patients, video calls and home monitoring of patients' health. My goal is that we must use interdisciplinary research to ensure that OUH's treatment offers for patients become even better through the use of new digital technologies, and we choose the technologies that make a difference and provide value for the patients. At the same time, we must use technology to free up time and resources for our staff, for example by moving treatment to the patient's own home."
Kristian Kidholm is behind the development of MAST (Model for Assessment of Telemedicine), which is used as a framework for assessing the value of telemedicine solutions. Today, it is the most used model in Europe to assess telemedicine, and the model is recommended by the European Commission as the approach that can ensure a versatile and research-based assessment of the use of telemedicine in the health sector.
Kristian travels around the world to talk about the model and how to use it,. He has been to e.g. Mexico and Germany to teach the model so that it can be adapted to the local context.
Kristian Kidholm has contributed to several books on HTA and hospital management, just as he regularly participates in the debate on the future of healthcare. He is a member of the Danish Treatment Council, where he contributes his health economic knowledge in relation to the assessment of technologies and initiatives in the Danish healthcare system.
Kristian also makes sure to pass on his knowledge by teaching digital health technologies and medical technology assessment at the medical school as well as on a number of other master's programmes at SDU.
Kristian is part of the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN), which also includes researchers from e.g. UC Berkeley and UC Davis in California and Aalborg University. As part of TTRN, Kristian has helped to found a number of PhD courses that are held every year at the partner universities in Denmark and the USA. Kristian is an ongoing supervisor for PhD students in both Denmark and abroad.
In 2021, Kristian was appointed as adjunct professor at St. Olav's Hospital – University Hospital in Trondheim and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where he supervises researchers and PhD students researching digital health technologies.

Kristian Kidholm
Professor, Head of Research
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 6541 7960 kristian.kidholm@rsyd.dk