Home treatment with baclofen pumps
Spasticity is a serious symptom for many of the patients who suffer from illnesses in the central nervous system, and spasticity is associated with serious disabilities and pain for the patient. To relieve spasticity, the patients are often treated with oral antispastic medicine, but in severe conditions it is an insufficient treatment with many unpleasant side effects.
Start: 1 November 2020
End: 26 February 2025
Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy (IBT) is an effective alternative treatment for patients with a low tolerance of the oral treatment or for whom the highest dosage of oral baclofen is not sufficient. IBT requires the – often severely immobilised and cognitively damaged – patient with only little ability to communicate, to show up at the hospital for treatment, often without assistance. This puts the hospital staff in a difficult situation when assessing the patient’s needs and the effect of the treatment.
The purpose of the project is to improve the quality of life for patients with severe spasticity by offering specialised treatment closer to the patients’ home without compromising the quality. With better cooperation between the hospital and the primary sector, the project will bring new knowledge of how disabled patients can be treated in their own home and how it affects the quality of the treatment, quality of life and socioeconomic expenses.
The project is primarily qualitative and based on Participatory Design. In cooperation between patients, helpers and health care professionals a home treatment solution for patients treated with IBT will be designed. The home treatment solution will be supported by health technology to optimise the treatment of spasticity in the patient’s home and ensure that the helpers have the necessary knowledge about spasticity and baclofen pump treatment.
The project is carried out at the Department of Neurology at Odense University Hospital.

Lena Skovgård Petersen
Nurse, PhD student
Odense University Hospital, Department of Neurology
(+45) 2462 3713 lena.petersen@rsyd.dk