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Funds for research projects

CIMT researcher Dorthe Boe Danbjørg and three project groups have received funding for no less than three research projects at Odense University Hospital.

- 200,000 DKK for the project Can home-based Patient Reported Outcome reporting on Adverse effects in outpatient Chemotherapy Treated patients serve as a tool for clinical decision making? from the Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) pool at OUH.

The purpose of the project is to investigate whether patients' self-reported data (PRO) on side effects can be used as a clinical tool to optimise outpatient chemotherapy treatment. It is new that patients themselves can systematically record side effects. The project will therefore contribute to increasing the understanding of whether systematic registration of side effects can optimise dose adjustment in connection with chemotherapy treatment and reduce the number of canceled chemotherapy treatments (due to side effects) – and thus minimise the costs of medication waste.

The project is carried out at the Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital and is expected to start at the beginning of 2018.

In addition to Dorthe Boe Danbjørg, the project group consists of:

  • Professor and Research Leader Niels Abildgaard, Department of Haematology, OUH
  • Asst. Professor Henrik Frederiksen, Department of Haematology, OUH
  • Jon Anton Sigurjónsson, PRO consultant, Quality, Research, Innovation and Education, OUH
  • Henrik Eshøj, PhD, Project manager in the Quality of Life Research Centre OUH, Department of Haematology, OUH

- 536,850 DKK for the Caregivers and Cancer project, divided between 229,500 DKK from the Elite Research Centre AgeCare at the Oncology Department: Academy of Geriatric Cancer Research and 307,350 DKK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The purpose of the project is to uncover the need for support for relatives of patients with cancer in an outpatient procedure. Based on that knowledge, an intervention to support relatives must be developed and tested. The project is a Participatory Design study, where the relatives will be involved in developing the intervention.

The project is carried out at the Oncology Department, Odense University Hospital. The project's data collection has just started, and in the next months a future workshop will be carried out to develop an intervention to support relatives. It is expected to be tested in the autumn.

In addition to Dorthe Boe Danbjørg, the project group consists of:

  • Associate Professor and Clinical Nursing Researcher Karin Dieperink, Department of Oncology, OUH
  • Development nurse Rasmus Skøtt, Department of Oncology, OUH
  • Clinical nursing specialist Pia Krause Møller, Department of Oncology, OUH
  • Nurse Nina Andersen, Department of Oncology, OUH
  • Nurse Carina Ingemann, Department of Haematology

– 266,000 DKK  for the project Video consultations in haematology treatment from the perspective of patients and healthcare professionals – a Danish qualitative study from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The purpose of the project is to investigate how health professionals and patients experience the use of video consultation instead of a face-to-face meeting.

The project is carried out at the Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital. Data collection has just started and is expected to be completed in spring 2018.

In addition to Dorthe Boe Danbjørg, the project group consists of project nurse Nina Primholdt Christensen.