Health Games
Serious Games is a game supporting learning, development and rehabilitation. The Health Games project was a collaboration between organisations with clinical competences and companies with experience within the field of IT and games.
Start: April 2011
End: March 2013
The aim was to study the potential for the development of games for the health sector and to describe Best Practice for the collaboration between the game industry and the health sector. The project was to develop 2-4 prototypes with the potential of being set in production.
At the time of the project, expecting parents were given 23 booklets and brochures with relevant information. The project replaced all of the paper brochures with USB keys so the pregnant women only need to keep track of one thing. The USB keys have later been replaced by the app My Hospital.
Game for the rehabilitation of hand surgical patients
With inspiration from the classic game of PacMan, the Health Games project developed a game in which the patient had to use a pincer grip to open and close Pacman’s mouth. The game was made for rehabilitation of patients who had undergone hand surgery. The game was a supplement to the additional training and was not to be used as the only form of rehabilitation, as it only served to train a small part of the muscles and mobility of the hand.
Fight the stress monsters
Teachers are overrepresented in statistics on stress and other mental problems. The Health Games project developed an interactive video to help prevent stress amongst, in particular, female teachers.
The project involved UCL University College Lillebælt, Fachhochschule Kiel and Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein.
The project received funding from the Interreg 4a programme Syddanmark-Schleswig-K.E.R.N..

Rikke Lyngholm Christensen
Programme Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2462 9727