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FibroBot – a new project with CCR and CAI-X

Since our two sister centres CAI-X (Centre for Clinical Artificial Intelligence) and CCR (Centre for Clinical Robotics) opened in 2021, we have worked closely together whenever we needed know-how and skills from the other centres. But now we have launched our first joint project: FibroBot.

FibroBot is anchored at FLASH – Centre for Liver Research, which is an elite research centre at the Department of Gastroenterology at Odense University Hospital. Fibrobot is the preliminary step towards a robot scanner to help patients with fatty liver disease. Today, fatty liver disease is often diagnosed and treated too late in order to limit complications, reduce hospitalisations, avoid expensive and invasive interventions, and reduce the risk of early death. Quite a few of the complications and deaths related to fatty liver disease could be prevented, e.g. by a more precise diagnosis, more efficient monitoring of the disease and effective and timely treatment. For that reason, the project wants to explore the use of robot technology and artificial intelligence, including the potential of combining the technologies.

It is our ambition that the robot scanner together with an algorithm based on artificial intelligence can improve diagnostic precision and ensure clinical decision support in order to help patients earlier than is the case today.

In the project, CIMT contributes competencies regarding early assessment of health technology based on the EARTH model, CCR contributes competencies within robot technology, and Professor and Head of Research in CCR, Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, is the project owner. CAI-X contributes competencies in artificial intelligence.

Initially, the project will result in a prototype, but it is expected that the robot scanner and the algorithm will be implemented and extended for scanning of other organs in the future.