Since 2012, the prevention of pressure ulcers has been a central focus area of the healthcare system. Preventing pressure ulcers is crucial in order for patients not to feel unnecessary pain and risk a longer hospitalisation.
The Department of Geriatric Medicine at Odense University Hospital (OUH) has in 2021 been testing Careturner, a bed bottom which can be set to turn patients automatically or provide help at manual turnings. The aim is partially to relieve pressure ulcer problems among the patients, partially to reduce the strain on medical staff having to turn patients unable to do so themselves. Manual turnings, in which typically two people use a secondary device to turn the patient every 1 or 2 hours, is time consuming and physically burdensome for the staff. For the patient as well, it is uncomfortable to be woken up multiple times a night by what can often be unpleasant physical contact.
By using a mobile bed bottom, the shift of position could be done on the patient’s bed.
The aim of this project was for the staff members to gain experience using Careturner in clinical practice. The primary focus was the work environment and time consumption.
The MTA unit at OUH carried out an evaluation that aimed to investigate how the staff experienced and felt about Careturner, both in general and compared to an earlier model that was tested at the department in 2018. The evaluation was conducted through observations, interviews and a questionnaire.
Because of the focus on work environment and time consumption, clinical effect and patient perspective would not be explored. The MTA unit hoped to gain funding for a broader study in the future.
The project was a collaboration between the Department of Plastic Surgery and the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Odense University Hospital and the company Careturner.
The project was funded by the Region of Southern Denmark.

Lise Kvistgaard Jensen
HTA Consultant
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 6541 7930

Tue Kjølhede
Senior Consultant, PhD
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 5152 6692