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Tue Kjølhede

Tue Kjølhede has been associated with CIMT since June 2024.

Tue Kjølhede

  • PhD, cand.scient.
  • Associate Professor, SDU
  • Chief consultant in the Dept.
    of Clinical Development, OUH

Visit Tue's profile at LinkedIn.

Since 2016, Tue has worked with the assessment and prioritisation of new medical technologies as a consultant in the HTA unit at Odense University Hospital. Here work is done with HTA and Mini HTA of new medical technologies as a decision-making basis for OUH's Treatment Council's recommendations and OUH's management in relation to implementation, but work is also being done with a focus on phasing out external treatments.

Tue's background lies in clinical sports physiology, where at Aarhus University he previously researched the disease-modifying effect of strength training for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), and also contributed to the work on national clinical guidelines for physiotherapy and occupational therapy for adults with reduced function as a result of MS.

As an employee of the HTA unit at Odense University Hospital, he has also published scientific articles on various medical technologies including top mattress for bedsore prevention, camera pills for polyp detection in the colon and rectum, and clinical pharmacy, but also contributed to publications on assessment models such as the Model of Assessment of Telemedicine (MAST) and Model for Assessing the value of Artificial Intelligence in medical imaging (MAS-AI).

In CIMT, Tue will do interdisciplinary research within the evaluation and prioritisation of new medical technologies. Research will thus be carried out into the effects of specific medical technologies before and after implementation – including whether the expected gains from new technologies are realised after implementation and also whether these technologies lead to potential overdiagnosis and overtreatment. In addition to this, via the insight into OUH's Treatment Council and the hospital decision-making processes, it will be possible to research what types of information are the basis for decisions on the implementation of various new medical technologies.

As Associate Professor at CIMT, Tue Kjølhede contributes with his insight into both clinical research and the decision-making processes regarding the prioritisation of new medical technologies.