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About CIMT
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Part of OUH
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Research areas at CIMT
Research Committee
Researchers and experts at CIMT
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Professor Christoph Beier
Professor Jane Clemensen
Senior researcher Knud Bonnet Yderstræde
Professor Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt
Senior researcher Mette Juel Rothmann
Senior researcher Thomas Schmidt
Anthony Smith
Hanne Kaae Kristensen
Stina Meyer Larsen
Tue Kjølhede
Senior researcher Thomas Lund
Senior researcher Marianne Harbo Frederiksen
Kathrine Rayce
PhD students at CIMT
Head of Research Kristian Kidholm
Research Strategy 2025-2027
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Innovation projects
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MAGIC: AI for Breast Cancer Diagnostics
Healthy Together: an innovative IT-solution for a healthy lifestyle postpartum
ACQUIRE-ICD: Web-based innovation for heart patients with defibrillator
Digital Vision
Data-filtering alarm system
The Virtual Isolation Room
Twinning – International Research Infrastructure for Colon Capsule Endoscopy
MyMedCards App
Digital care call for patients
Measurelet Scale
Calling system for outpatients
VR Trainer
Outpatient Centre Svendborg
Telemedicine for psoriasis patients
MoreCare Service Robot
App for patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease
Roberta – robot trolley for in-between meals
Kidney transplantation
Robot platform for ultrasound scans (RoPCA)
Video consultations for Aeroe citizens
Digital Vision – Integrating Care
The Patient Platform: a common work tool between patient and staff
Research and assessment projects
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PERSONAE – personalised digital treatment
Assessment of the value of AI technologies
Implementation of EHR systems
Digitisation in the healthcare sector via wireless measurements
Cost-effectiveness analysis of VR8
Video consultations at Odense University Hospital
Assessment of the monitoring system SAFE
Access & Acceleration
Calpro home test kit
VR as pain relief
Secure data transfer from patient to staff
Virtual pharyngeal swab
Virtual Museum
ImpleMentAll – Getting eHealth Implementation Right
MAS-AI: Model for ASsessment of Artificial Intelligence
Assessment of Telehospice
Efficient Telemedicine
Designation and implementation of efficient telemedicine
Assessment of video in general practice
Economic analysis of the HEART Intervention
Economic assessment of the national project Active Patient Support
Assessment of a new medicine handling concept
PROM for patients with late effects of cancer and cancer treatment
Economic assessment of TELEGRAFT
Economic assessment of Telepal - a telepalliation programme
Economic assessment of a telerehabilitation programme for patients with atrial fibrillation
Economic assessment of telerehabilitation for heart failure patients
PhD projects
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Decision support for patients with wrist fractures
Development of model of care for telepalliative care
Cost-effectiveness analysis of pandemic response
PRO data and endometriosis
Post-discharge patient support after spinal surgery
Video consultations in general practice
Using AI to identify cancer in hematuria patients
Co-producing research with patients and relatives
Improving the mental health of parents of children with cancer
Home treatment with baclofen pumps
The transition from paediatric to adult healthcare
Joint agenda for ward rounds
Have the children you want while you can
Assessment of the implementation of digital pathology
FAST-MRI: AI optimised MRI for acute stroke
Telemedical outpatient clinic visits for diabetes patients
Improved care for patients with type 2 diabetes and schizophrenia
App for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Cost-effectiveness of using AI to increase patient engagement
Improving patient empowerment for patients with chronic heart failure
Response monitoring of metastatic breast cancer
App to support person-centered rehabilitation after a stroke
Acute care planning in emergency departments
Telemediated training for patients with severe and highly severe COPD
A novel treatment for chronic kidney disease
Teledermoscopy in general practice
PRO in assessment of new radiotherapy technology
Early health technology assessment of eHealth
Archive - old projects
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Overview of patient use of the app My Hospital
The GERI Toolbox
System for patient monitoring
Evaluation of top mattresses to prevent bedsores
3D camera for monitoring foot ulcers
Assessment of PRO in general medical practices
Assessment of the Virtual Ambulatory
RoOS implemented at the Department of ORL, OUH
Assessment of "Young with Diabetes"
Tool for evaluating the My Hospital app
eHealth City Svendborg
Home monitoring with Apple Health Kit
Early assessment of innovation projects with EARTH
Tele-homecare for children born prematurely
App to support the treatment of psoriasis
Audiological tests used in clinical practice
Beyond Silos
Camera pill for screening of colorectal cancer
APPlied Health
RoOs – a resource and task management system
Connected Health
Unwired Health
Innovative purchase of mobile services for cardiac patients
Economic assessment of ulcer tele-monitoring
Assessment of national distribution of foot ulcer telemonitoring
HTA of acupuncture for pregnant people
Google Glass
The use of eHealth in communication on foetal diagnostics
App connecting new parents with the hospital
Telemedicine consultations for patients with diabetic foot ulcers
Telemedical home monitoring experience compilation
HTA of CIS Anaesthesia
COLLIN – collaboration for innovation
HTA of hospital-based procedure coordination
IT system 'Nervecentre'
HTA of organising cardiac arrest courses
Bookplan/Cetrea Surgical
Renewing Health
HandMate – hand disinfection in a new way
Health Games
Business case on COPD suitcase
Business case on interpretation via video conference
Video interpretation
Telemedical discharge conference
HTA of prevention of patient falls at hospitals
The PRO-active patient
Telemedicine for hip fractures caused by osteoporosis
App for MedCards
mHealth for women with osteoporosis
See all about
New digital contact form for CIMT
Bettina Trettin defends her PhD
Kristian Kidholm appointed as adjunct professor at Norwegian university hospital
New Programme Manager at CIMT
The PhD course TTRN 2021 completed with participants from 11 countries
New member of CIMT's research committee
International conference on digital health technologies
CIMT researcher receives honorary award
Database of evidence-based telemedicine updated with newest literature
Randomised studies abroad can be challenging
CIMT research leader appointed to the Treatment Council
New at CIMT: PhD Club
Peter Børker Nielsen appointed as Programme Manager of our sister centre CAI-X
CAI-X: New centre for clinical artificial intelligence
CIMT professor appointed to the board of the South Denmark European Office
CIMT Academy: Projects in light of corona
The GERI Toolbox assessed and rolled out to the rest of Funen
UCL strengthens the focus on technology in health education
New article on artificial intelligence in diagnostic imaging
The IT assistant is in action again
CIMT is hiring an associate professor in Health Technology and Patient Empowerment
Thank you to everyone who attended CIMT's opening event on Friday 24 January and helped make the day a great success
Great interest in OUH and CIMT
CIMT to Enter Research Collaboration with Translantic Telehealth Research Network
Dorthe Danbjørg completes her PhD with a dazzling defence
Camera pill shows promising results after pilot project
Telemedicine and morning gymnastics at Folkemødet 2015
Patient-involved research focuses on the process surrounding kidney transplants
Discussion of the MAST model in the Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
Odense University Hospital adopts Innovation Strategy for 2016-2018
Telemedicine solution improves the start of family life for parents with premature children
CIMT abstract nominated for Best Oral Presentation at the HTA World Congress in Tokyo
CIMT publishes first research strategy
Project on Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) receives 1.7 million DKK of the Ministry of Health's PRO pool
CIMT to formalise research collaboration with American universities
Jane Clemensen wins Researcher of the Year
Folkemødet 2017 – Dialogue and networking on the sunshine island
Digital systems transition from project to large-scale implementation
Apple's global head of health visits OUH
Scottish doctor new professor in CIMT
Apps save you the trip to the hospital
CIMT battles on digitisation at the E-Health Observatory 2017
CIMT takes the prize at e-health battle
CIMT researcher appointed professor
Six new researchers at CIMT
Funds for research projects
New article: "Father - a practical pig"
Exercise app for osteoarthritis
Nurses at OUH focus on innovation
Iben Fasterholdt defends PhD
App for osteoporosis
InnoEvent 2018
CIMT Annual Report 2017
Researcher from CIMT is a finalist in the Phd Cup
Winners of innovation competition chosen
Competition for first place at InnoEvent
Turkish visit to CIMT
CIMT had visitors from Australia
International recognition for Healthcare DENMARK’s report on telehealth
App to help relatives to critically ill patients
Award for assessment expert at CIMT
Meet CIMT at the E-Health Observatory
Implementation of the resource and task management system RoOS
Anne Dichmann Sorknæs appointed Hero of the Danish Lung Association
Research afternoon a great success
A telemedicine hospice is now opening on Aeroe
Event provided new inspiration for the use of robot technology
OUH is holding an internal innovation day to spread ideas and solutions
CIMT is holding the PhD course "Research methods in innovation processes for digital health technology"
Health drones will reach Funen
CIMT participates in a conference on artificial intelligence in the healthcare system
InnoEvent 2019
App to help patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease
ACT@Scale to host final conference
CIMT’s annual report is published
CIMT is attending HIMSS & HEALTH 2.0 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE 2019 in June
Tough competition at InnoEvent 2019
CIMT attending Active Living Citizens Festival
OUH leads the way with a new innovation strategy
The winners found in Health Tech Innovator 2019
Tele-homecare for premature children is a succes for both families and finances
New adjunct professor at CIMT
Large field study uncovers possibilities for the use of robots
ImpleMentAll at HIMMS conference
HTA in Cologne
CIMT on trip to Finland
Save the date – CIMT's birthday
FibroBot – a new project with CCR and CAI-X
CIMT researcher appointed professor at SDU
Project in Digital Vision leads to further development and implementation
CIMT Academy Special
International PhD course starts on Monday
CIMT in Taiwan
PhD course: research in health technology is more than clinical research
CIMT Academy: Well-attended special edition
Surgeons develop pain – with and without robots
CIMT at the E-Health Observatory 2019
Purchase agreement for clinical instruction cards (MedCards) at OUH
Digital Vision: New approach to implementing technology
New 3D camera is accurate in measuring foot ulcers
Adjunct professor extended
Innovation professor at CIMT
Visits from foreign professors
Artificial intelligence to diagnose breast cancer
Centre for Clinical Excellence will conduct research into the camera pill
Closing conference for the GERI Toolbox
PhD defence Charlotte Nielsen – Telemedicine supporting patients in the process of kidney transplants
Opening of Centre for Clinical Implementation of Capsule Endoscopy (CICA)
CICA inaugurated
ADLIFE kick off
InnoEvent 2020
Inaugural lecture for the innovation professor
PhD defense on telemedicine for kidney transplantation
CIMT has now got a research committee
Jane Clemensen keynote speaker in Finland
New senior researcher in CIMT
CIMT annual report 2019
CIMT researcher contributes to national COVID research
Assessment of video in general practice
International webinar on telemedicine
Virtual admissions should ease the pressure during future epidemics
Assessment of tele-hospice
CIMT at the E-Health Observatory 2020
TTRN PhD course 2020
Webinar about evidence based telemedicine database
Kathrine Rayce defends her PhD
Kathrine Rayce PhD
Annual report 2020
CIMT launches new research strategy for 2021-2023
TTRN PhD Summer School
Report on Telehealth Innovation from TTRN
Conference on the digital healthcare system
TTRN PhD course 2022
Research results from the project Active Patient Support are here
The HealthDrone is taking off
Home treatment is not always the best thing
New researchers in the CIMT network
Research in the first half of 2022
Large TTRN conference on telemedicine
HealthDrone project now finished
WHINN 2022
MAS-AI: The world’s first holistic model for assessment of AI
MAS-AI in Medtech Insight
Presentations and debate at WHINN
Can chatbots help patients?
Pernille Kjærgaard Christiansen defends PhD thesis
Local innovation project has expanded
New report on PRO for endometriosis
German partners contribute to the TELEMED database
Pia Krause Møller defends her PhD
International research collaboration
Ronald F. Dixon, medical director at Massachusetts General Hospital, joins CIMT as adjunct ass. professor
Another PhD study comes to an end – Congratulations to Anne-Kirstine Dyrvig!
Researcher from CIMT finalist in PhD Cup
Isabelle Mairey defends her PhD
Inaugural seminar for Lars Konge
European Telemedicine Conference 27-29 May 2018
Award for assessment expert in CIMT
PhD Course in Odense, August 2024
In need of funding for your innovation project?
Save the Date - CIMT's 10 year anniversary
BETA.HEALTH has opened up for a new call
CIMT turns 10! Join us for the anniversary conference on 22 August
Siri Aas Smedemark defends PhD
A successful celebration of CIMT
Minne Line Nedergaard Mikkelsen defends PhD thesis
BETA.HEALTH has launched their Winter Call
Ole Abildgaard Hansen defends PhD thesis
New Centre of Clinical Excellence to research severe obesity
Successful seminar disseminating research results
Lena Skovgård Petersen defends PhD thesis
About CIMT
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About CIMT