Fremskridt inden for lægebehandling har øget den forventede levetid og ført til en voksende ældre befolkning i udviklede lande. Denne stadigt voksende befolkningsgruppe bringer komplekse sundhedsbehov og udfordringer for sundhedssystemet, blandt andet behovet for hjemmebehandling.
Start: July 2024
End: June 2026
Elderly people living in nursing homes often need to be hospitalised, which can have a negative effect on their well-being. Hospitalisation can result in physical and cognitive decline, risk of infection and emotional problems.
ARMS4elderly is a cross-sectoral EU project that aims to investigate how residents of care homes or temporary placements can avoid having to be physically admitted to hospital in case of illness. This is done by developing and testing innovative telemedicine solutions in elderly care that support a "home hospitalisation" of the citizens while they receive their treatment under the responsibility of the hospital, this with the aim of reducing unnecessary hospitalisations for the benefit of both citizens and the healthcare system.
The project's goal is to reduce costs and resources while maintaining the quality of the treatment. The project involves a model for monitoring and follow-up of citizens after discharge, which should contribute to avoiding unnecessary (re)hospitalisations of geriatric citizens. The model consists of fixed days when the municipal nursing service carries out agreed measurements and analyses on discharged citizens, followed by a virtual consultation with the Department of Geriatric Medicine. In this way, it is expected that citizens can be quickly diagnosed in the event of a change in condition, and treatment can be initiated without unnecessary (re)admission to hospital.
Read more about the project at ARMS4elderly's website.
The EU project is a collaboration between Denmark, Israel, Italy, Romania and Spain, where each country has its own sub-projects that continuously exchange experience prior to joint evaluation. The other partners in the project are developing a technical solution, whereas Denmark has chosen to focus on supporting and optimising existing workflows and using existing technology rather than developing a new solution.
The project started under the auspices of Digital Vision - Intregating Care and is a collaboration between the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Odense University Hospital and Odense municipality. CIMT is in charge of project management and assessment of the project. The project's results are expected to be able to support the general cooperation between OUH's departments and the temporary placements/municipalities.
ARMS4elderly is financed through the EU programme THCS (Transforming Health and Care Systems).

Marie Glent-Rolle
Innovation Consultant
Odense University Hospital, Department of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2113 6516

Rikke Lyngholm Christensen
Programme Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2462 9727