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Improved care for patients with type 2 diabetes and schizophrenia

Approx. 43.000 people in Denmark suffer from schizophrenia, and it is estimated that type 2 diabetes (T2D) occurs 2-3 times more often within this group compared with the rest of the Danish population.


Start: 2020
End: 26 April 2024

The frequency of T2D is a result of lifestyle, reduced understanding of the disease, medical treatment and genetics. Research shows a significant excess mortality with this group of patients, and they live on average 15-20 years less than the population in general.


The project is an explorative study based on the research design Participatory Design, and it aims to investigate if a new health technology solution can improve diabetes care for patients with schizophrenia and T2D.

The purpose is to clarify the diabetic and schizophrenic patients’ need for care in close cooperation with the patients, relatives and health professionals to improve care for the patients across sectors.

The project will contribute with extensive knowledge of the patient groups experiences and their needs in relation to diabetes care across sectors. This will create an understanding of how to develop interventions to meet the patients’ needs by actively involving those who are usually excluded.


The project is anchored in Steno Diabetes Centre Odense.

The project is a PhD project by Tanja Juhl Mikkelsen.


The project is partially funded by the fund Psykiatriens Forksningsfond in the Region of Southern Denmark.

Tanja Juhl Mikkelsen

Nurse, PhD student

Odense University Hospital, Steno Diabetes Centre Odense

Mette Juel Rothmann

Mette Juel Rothmann

Senior Researcher, Nurse, PhD

Odense University Hospital, Steno Diabetes Centre Odense

(+45) 6541 5310