Business case on COPD suitcase
From 2009-2012, Odense University Hospital (OUH) has worked systematically with the development and testing of a fundamentally new treatment regime for various urgent hospitalised patients (COPD patients in this instance), where a lot of the hospitalisations are replaced with a “hospitalisation” in their own home, supported by telemedicine solutions.
Start: February 1, 2009
End: January 1, 2012
The purpose of the project was:
- to generate an economical basis for decision for the decision-makers at OUH and at the Region of Southern Denmark
- to ensure that the project leads to measurable effects by following up on the economical and qualitative gains
- to give process control through the use of project management tools, such as partner analysis, risk analysis, milestone plan and implementation strategy.
The new treatment regime was initially developed, tested and validated treatment-wise on COPD patients with urgent impairment on the medical department M in OUH in Svendborg.
In this project, chosen COPD patients got a COPD suitcase established, which made it possible for them to have direct contact with the hospital. In this “suitcase”, there was a built-in webcam, microphone as well as measuring equipment, consisting of a spirometer and a pulsoxymeter. The patients experienced a higher sense of security by having this suitcase in their home. The suitcase took part in bringing the hospital, and therefore security, closer to home.

Iben Fasterholdt
Senior Researcher, PhD
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2979 6704