MAS-AI: Model for ASsessment of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (or AI) is growing in the healthcare sector, and Odense University Hospital, like many other Danish and foreign hospitals, will in the coming years have to decide on more and more technologies that contain AI.
Start: 2020
End: 2022
The use of AI could affect the organisation of the treatment, patient safety, the effect of the treatments, the patient's experience of the treatment, inequality in health, finances, staff consumption and ethics.
But at the start of this project, there had been no models developed to evaluate the effect and consequences of using artificial intelligence, and decision-makers and health professionals are therefore left to themselves in the assessment of a given solution.
The aim of the project MAS-AI (Model for ASessment of Artificial Intelligence) was to develop a model which can help decision-makers to assess and designate AI technologies in image diagnostics. With a thorough model for evaluation, you get an overview of which AI technologies create value, so that you can choose them, and technologies with no or inappropriate effect can be selected from.
The model was developed based on the following steps:
- A review of existing guides, evaluations and assessments of the value of AI in the field of medical imaging
- Interviews with leading researchers within AI in Denmark
- Workshops with decision makers, patient organisations and researchers
With input from the above, the project developed the MAS-AI model, which can give administrative and health professional managers an overview of the consequences of using AI technologies.
The project has developed the model MAS-AI, which is an HTA-based tool that can support the introduction of new technology with artificial intelligence in the healthcare system.
The model was developed by an interdisciplinary group of experts, researchers and patient representatives, and it consists of three parts:
An early MAS-AI with four areas of assessment
1. The health problem and the current use of technology
2. Technology
3. Ethical aspects
4. Legal aspects
A full MAS-AI with five other assessment areas
5. Safety
6. Clinical aspects
7. Economy
8. Organisation
9. Patient perspectives
as well as five process factors that are recommended to be considered during the evaluation process.
An assessment using MAS-AI can support the decision-making process in relation to the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare and increase transparency for all parties involved.
The project was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Radiology and the Department of Nuclear Medicine at OUH. In addition, a Canadian validation of MAS-AI is being conducted in collaboration with the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute and Transform HF, including Dr Valeria E. Rac, who is director of the Program for Health System and Technology Evaluation.
This project involved artificial intelligence and was therefore also anchored at the Centre for Clinical Artificial Intelligence (CAI-X).
The project was financed by the pool for OUH's Competitive Funds.
Read more about MAS-AI
Find the model and read a free pre-print of the article on MAS-AI here.

Iben Fasterholdt
Senior Researcher, PhD
Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2979 6704

Benjamin S. Rasmussen
Associate Professor, MD (Radiologist), Head of Clinical Research at CAI-X
Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology and Centre for Clinical AI (CAI-X)
(+45) 2434 1749 CAI-X