Telemedicine for hip fractures caused by osteoporosis
In Denmark, approx. 10,000 patients are admitted for treatment of hip fractures every year, and almost all of them need to be surgically treated. Hip fractures are the most common cause of admissions to an orthopaedic surgical ward.
Start: January 2016
End: December 2018
The costs related to a fracture caused by osteoporosis are heavy – both in relation to the patient, in form of the loss of functional capacity and pain, as well as to the relatives and to society in a health economic perspective.
On completion of treatment, the patients experience the feeling of being less equipped for discharge than other medical surgical groups. In addition, the patients experience a great dependence on others and great concern about the new situation. It is known that the safety of the patient may be increased by means of communication and knowledge, both with the individual patient, but also across sectors.
The aim of the project was to develop a telemedical solutions, in which health professional knowledge and expertise were made useable for the everyday life of the patient. It sought to contribute to creating safety as well as supporting the ressources and capabilities of the patient – thus enhancing the empowerment of the patient.
The patients in the project were all from Funen and surrounding islands, and they were discharged to their private home.
The project was a PhD project by Charlotte Myhre Jensen, supervised by Professor Jane Clemensen. The PhD defence took place on 14 December 2018. View Charlotte Myhre Jensen’s publications.
The project was funded by means from Patient@Home.

Jane Clemensen
Head of Research, professor, nurse
University of Southern Denmark, Department of Clinical Research
(+45) 2434 2024