MyMedCards App
The IT system Infonet is used in the Region of Southern Denmark for guidance and instructions, but the system does not have an easily accessible mobile version. That is why it is customary to print and laminate clinical reference cards that the clinical staff can carry in their pockets and thus have quick access to various instructions. However, the pocket cards can quickly become obsolete and new cards are time-consuming to prepare.
Start: Autumn 2019
End: Spring 2021
In the autumn of 2019, the Department of Gastroenterology therefore started using the app MyMedCards in the bed department and in the endoscopy section. The app’s content included instructions similar to pocket cards, shortcuts to emergency instructions, administrative functions such as mini phrasebook, introduction to Cetrea and more. In addition, MyMedCards contained a telephone directory and the doctors’ schedule.
The purpose of the project was to introduce the use of the app MyMedCards at the Department of Gastroenterology instead of the old clinical reference cards, so that the clinical staff could have quick and easy access to the latest instructions and information.
The implementation of MyMedCards was mainly aimed at nurses, but doctors and assistants also made use of the app’s functions.
The MyMedCards app was the result of the previous project App for MedCards.
At the beginning of 2021, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the staff who used the app. The app was used, among other things, in the bed section, where assistants also used it. Since assistants had not been included from the start, two semi-structured interviews were conducted with them in addition to a questionnaire survey. Data was also extracted from MyMedCards to get an overview of the use of the app.
- Data showed that in 2020, there were 142 active users on MyMedCards per month.
- Almost 12,000 times, a card was opened in the app with instructions regarding examination preparation, COVID updates, hygiene guidelines and the phone book for internal numbers of the Department of Gastroenterology.
- The app was mainly used by the nurses and assistants on the bed ward, while doctors and nurses used it to a lesser extent. It was experienced as being easy to find instructions and telephone numbers, and that it was practical to have access to instructions and information via your mobile phone.
- However, instructions were missing for the endoscopy nurses, and several missed a filter function on sections. In general, systematic training in the system was also requested when starting at the department.
The department currently uses both MyMedCards and the app MySkills, an extension of MyMedCards.
The project was carried out at the Department of Gastroenterology at Odense University Hospital.
The project was part of and funded by the large research and innovation project Digital Vision.

Rikke Lyngholm Christensen
Programme Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2462 9727