Innovation is an indispensable piece when we have to make the healthcare system ready for the patients of the future.
With innovation and medical technology, we can offer mobile and flexible health services, which make it possible to receive treatment "at a distance". This way we can avoid many visits to the hospital and unnecessarily long hospitalizations. For the benefit of the individual patient and their relatives, but also for the hospital and our welfare society.
CIMT strengthens innovation within and research into new medical technologies, e.g. telemedicine, apps, VR, video consultations, wearables, etc.
The idea for innovation can come from many places. It can arise with the healthcare staff in the clinic who experience a need in their daily life. The idea can also come from an innovation consultant who, for example, has become aware of a technological solution or has heard of a similar project from our wide network. The idea can also come from a patient or relative.
No matter where the idea comes from, the innovation project is always rooted in a specific need in a department at the hospital. The Center for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT) only implements projects based on a need at Odense University Hospital (OUH).
Projects can last from a few months to several years.
The innovation consultants at CIMT follow the innovation process from when the idea arises until it is tested and evaluated, implemented and scaled up if it is successful. We ensure that new technology can be integrated into the systems the hospital already uses, for example the electronic patient record.
Learn more about innovation at CIMT

Rikke Lyngholm Christensen
Programme Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 2462 9727