Unwired Health
The participants of the project included the Region of Southern Denmark, Catalonia in Spain, and Scotland, all of who wanted to complete a new form of development and purchasing process. It was to result in a new mobile service: an app for coaching patients with heart failure.
Start: January 2014
End: April 2016
The aim of the project of Unwired Health was to redesign the delivery of health services in Europe through the development of a new app for patients. The project was to apply pre-commercial purchasing and in that way be involved with the testing of this relatively new procurement method.
The format was to provide smaller companies with the opportunity to participate on equal terms. The Unwired Health project was intended to help bring more suppliers into play, provide the region with freedom of choice and increase the market competition.
The aspiration was that suppliers from the Region of Southern Denmark would be given the chance of supplying three European regions with mobile health solutions – and if the process proved to be successful, more regions were to follow.
In a pre-commercial purchase one or more public institutions provide a problem area. After this, companies are able to provide solutions. Pre-commercial purchases only include the process of solution development, and because of this they are legally excepted from the obligation to invite tenders. There is, however, a demand for the sharing of results between business partner, and for the contracts to be incurred on market conditions.
The legal and financial part of the project proved to be unsuitable for the public parties in Denmark and Scotland as it made it impossible to complete the pre-commercial purchase, so the project was closed in April 2016.
Unwired Health was 75% funded by the European Commission through the FP7 framework programme with a total contribution of €2.827.907.

Lea Bohn
Communications & Event Manager
Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA
(+45) 5164 0948 lea.bohn@rsyd.dk