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InnoEvent 2020

I uge 11 dyster 250 odenseanske studerende for 11. år i træk om at finde de bedste og mest innovative løsninger på problemstillinger fra sundhedsvæsenet.

InnoEvent is an annual competition where 250 selected students from UCL University College and University of Southern Denmark together solve cases from the healthcare system.

The theme in 2020 is "the heart", and during the week the students work in interprofessional teams, where, with the support of health professionals and company representatives, they must create innovative solutions within five cases, all of which focus on different aspects of heart-related problems.

Odense's mayor Peter Rahbek Juel opens InnoEvent 2020 on Monday 9 March, and the winners will be chosen on Saturday 14 March after an intense week with lots of networking, new ideas, smart technology and proposed solutions for scenarios from everyday life in hospitals and in municipalities.


During the week, the students work in interdisciplinary teams, where, with the support of health professionals and experts in various fields, they must create innovative solutions within five cases.

On Saturday 14 March, approx. 50 judges gather to choose a winner from each case.


InnoEvent is a special Odense invention with close collaboration between hospital, municipality and educational institutions, and it is held every spring in collaboration between UCL, SDU, OUH, CIMT and Odense Municipality.

InnoEvent is an intense and exciting week that gives students an insight into the challenges of the healthcare sector and creates a framework for developing their entrepreneurial skills and interest. The municipality and the hospital get new angles and input on the chosen challenges. As well as companies, they can get new ideas and create a network for the students.

InnoEvent was created in Odense by Odense University Hospital and the former Business Academy Lillebælt. Today, InnoEvent is a registered concept and is exported to Finland and has also previously been held in Spain.

InnoEvent's mission is to create innovative solutions for the benefit of patients and citizens, as well as contribute to the students gaining innovative and entrepreneurial skills. Since InnoEvent is based on the idea that innovation cannot be created alone, InnoEvent is a meeting place where solutions are developed with the needs and expertise of all the players.