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CIMT on trip to Finland

11 - 13 June there was the HIMSS Europe conference – this time in Helsinki, Finland. CIMT was of course involved and contributed with various presentations.

HIMSS stands for Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society and is a worldwide networking organisation for healthcare technology.

At the Nordic Workshop, we presented how the work with New OUH forms a framework for innovation and development as well as the principle of local funding, which is a new management model for the healthcare system, where more patients must be treated outside the hospitals - in their local area.

General manager of CIMT and head of innovation at Odense University Hospital Tessa Lind Gjødesen presented the work with a digital transformation at OUH, and postdoc Mette Maria Skjøth participated in the launch of a new network for nurses working with health technology: HIMSS Nursing Informatics Community in Europe with participants from a a number of European countries, the Finnish Nurses Association, the HIMSS organisation and from the USA. The participants ranged from researchers to nursing directors - but all nurses. The plan is to set up a steering group across the countries during the autumn.

The project ImpleMentAll had its own session, which focused on the implementation of health innovation and presented the implementation tool ItFits toolkit, developed in the project. After the session, exciting discussions arose which strengthened the cooperation between OUH, the other ImpleMentAll consortium and EHTEL.