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VR Trainer

The nurses at the Department of Gastroenterology at Odense University Hospital (OUH) feel that they lack time, resources and energy to give and receive training in various specialist nursing procedures. This causes insecurity among individuals, may challenge the patients’ security and result in the staff not having the required professional competence.


Start: February 2020
End: February 2021

In other fields, virtual reality has shown itself to be a great tool for training and simulating new work procedures, systems and technology to increase learning outcome and to ensure a realistic learning experience.


The purpose of the project was to test and refine the prototype VR Trainer for virtual simulation of a probe insertion in a practice-oriented and realistic 3D-environment and be consistent with the already very precisely described procedure for insertion of probes. Furthermore, the project was to test how VR Trainer can act as a supplement to education and skill development of the specialist nursing staff. The project should increase the professional quality as well as focus on patient safety, security and consistency when inserting a probe.

Nurses with a lot of experience and different understandings of technology would, in the test cycle, contribute with their knowledge to ensure that the procedure was executed correctly. These nurses would furthermore bring their experience with communication and patient involvement into play. The health services in Northern Funen’s council, as well as teachers and students from UCL, were, in the last phase of the test cycle, going to qualify VR Trainer and give their input to further adjustments of the prototype to match the requirements for skill training in councils and educational institutions precisely.

The user of VR Trainer would be guided through the procedure to ensure that it was executed safely and correctly by the means of feedback from speak and visual elements. VR Trainer was developed with anchoring in well-known mechanisms from video game development, where the user is guided and rewarded when the desired behaviour is achieved. With VR Trainer, the staff can brush up on and try the procedure and make mistakes without any consequences.

Prospectively, the ambition with VR Trainer is that it will be refined and expanded with additional specialist nursing working procedures.


The evaluation showed that the VR Trainer can be useful for inexperienced staff and new staff coming from other departments or sectors. The staff who participated in testing and evaluation believe that exercises in the virtual world before meeting patients make the staff more prepared and confident in the task. VR Trainer is considered to be able to contribute to safer and more uniform procedures.

The VR Trainer project has contributed to knowledge about the maturity of the technology and is considered best suited for training practical procedures that involve using equipment, but less suitable for procedures that involve patient contact, as it lacks tactile and communicative aspects.

VR Trainer can supplement other teaching and training in practice, but not replace other parts of education and training, e.g. sidekick training.

After the end of the project, the company and the department have maintained dialogue and development of the solution, and in Spring 2022, the Department of Gastroenterology purchased a set of VR equipment, which they use today to train various procedures in the department.


Partners on the project included Wacky Studio, Nordfyn Municipality, the University of Southern Denmark and University College Lillebælt.


The project was financed with 1,011,584 DKK from Southern Danish OPI-funds, which consists of regional industrial development means and means from the European Regional Fund.

Visit VR Trainer’s website.

Rikke Lyngholm Christensen

Rikke Lyngholm Christensen

Programme Manager

Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). Odense University Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA

(+45) 2462 9727