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Audiological tests used in clinical practice

Hearing loss makes it difficult to understand speech, especially in noisy surroundings. There are several different speech reception tests, and these are used routinely in hearing clinics (audiological clinics).


Start: April 2013
End: June 2017

During the tests, the patient is typically presented with words or sentences, which the patient is asked to repeat or elect from several words on a computer screen.

Patients with auditory processing disorder (APD) ought not to have hearing problems, but nevertheless, they still find it difficult to hear and understand speech. Since APD is characterised by poor performance in one or several different auditory abilities, a single test is not able to address all dimensions of APD; a battery of tests is necessary. APD test batteries are available in numerous languages, including Danish.


This project has assessed different aspects of the most common speech reception tests in clinical practice in Denmark. In addition, the Danish APD test battery has been assessed in relation to different parameters.


The project consisted of seven studies in total: five studies assessing tests for the examination of speech intelligibility and two studies assessing the tests found in the Danish APD test battery. Across the studies, the tests were assessed through experimental tests, clinically collected data and computer simulations.

The project contributed to the existing litterature by adding knowledge about the most widespread speech reception tests in Danish clinical practice and about the tests in the Danish APD test battery. This additional knowledge is important to improve the tools for hearing tests and to ensure accurate interpretation of the test results. This provides better hearing diagnostics and better treatment of hearing problems.


The project was carried out in collaboration with the University Hospital of Copenhagen, DELTA – a part of FORCE Technology and the Danish APD group.

The project was a PhD project by Ellen Raben Pedersen.

View Ellen Raben Pedersen’s publications or write to her.


The project was funded by the Oticon Foundation.

Ellen Raben Pedersen

MSc, PhD, lecturer

University of Southern Denmark, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moeller Institute

(+45) 6550 7379