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The GERI Toolbox assessed and is rolled out to the rest of Funen

The Danish Health Authority's assessment of the GERI Toolbox has been published and concludes that the GERI Toolbox has been implemented to some extent and can provide a closer relationship between hospital, municipalities and, partly, general practice.

The GERI Toolbox contains clinical 'bed-side' equipment with e.g. blood pressure monitor, bladder scanner, scale and equipment for blood test analyses, which the municipalities' emergency nurses bring with them when visiting elderly citizens. The project also tested a joint IT platform for communication between home care, general practitioners and hospital.

The assessment of the GERI Toolbox was carried out on the basis of a transversal evaluation design for the eleven different projects in the rate pool "Strengthened cohesion for the weakest elderly", and therefore funds have been set aside for an adapted evaluation of the GERI Toolbox based on the MAST model. The extra assessment is financed by DÆMP funds (national pool, which is to boost efforts for the Elderly Medical Patient).

The DÆMP funds also finance a further rollout of the GERI Toolbox in the remaining Funen municipalities and the establishment of a digital forum for knowledge sharing. This extension of the project runs until the end of 2022.