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Ronald F. Dixon, medical director at Massachusetts General Hospital, joins CIMT as adjunct ass. professor

It is our pleasure to announce that Dr Ronald F. Dixon, medical director at Massachusetts General Hospital and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School has joined the research group in CIMT as an adjunct ass. professor and will be working with us for the next five years.

Dr. Dixon has been working with applied telehealth and investigations of new telemedical applications for more than 9 years, for the benefit of clinicians and patients in both Massachusetts, California and Singapore.

The collaboration with CIMT will especially focus on Dr. Dixon’s work with telemedicine seen from a practical perspective and how to move telemedical projects from pilots to clinical practice. The aim is to collaborate on identifying, selecting and evaluating appropriate tools and strategies for telehealth technology adoption and scaling, with an eye on improved patient experience and outcomes as well as improved conditions for hospital staff.