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Part of OUH

CIMT brings together hospital and university to ensure collaboration, coherence and knowledge sharing between researchers from the university and the physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals who are in daily contact with the patients.

OUH Innovation and the unit for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) at Odense University Hospital (OUH) are part of the Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT). The researchers at OUH, who research innovative medical technology, are also part of the network around CIMT.

CIMT is primarily anchored in the innovation unit at OUH, because it is the hospital – in the form of employees, patients and relatives – that defines what areas and needs we create new solutions and workflows for.

It is also the hospital that is the primary customer of the product that comes out of the research and innovation processes.

The new University Hospital in Odense, New OUH, will be ready in 2024, and CIMT plays an important role in equipping OUH for the new requirements and framework at New OUH.

The innovation projects are always based on the patient and the patient's needs.


Odense University Hospital is an innovative hospital with a long tradition of working with innovation and testing and implementing new technological solutions. For example, OUH was the first hospital in Denmark where all 50 clinical departments switched to electronic patient records rather than paper records. It became a reality in 2009.

Currently, the new OUH is being built. The new OUH not only represents a new physical framework for the hospital, but will also involve new workflows, new collaborations across specialties and departments in order to live up to the ambition to create more flexible patient processes. CIMT supports OUH in the changes and new workflows that this will bring. We test and implement new technologies and workflows, which can make a large proportion of patients more independent and less dependent on the hospital's physical framework for their treatment.

In the future, the connection between hospital and university, of which CIMT is a part, will be even stronger when the new OUH is physically built together with the University of Southern Denmark and knowledge, research and experience can flow even more easily to the benefit of patients, relatives and staff.


CIMT works closely with OUH's innovation council and advisory board.

CIMT is responsible for organising OUH's annual Innovation Day, where the awarding of the RAP prize also takes place.

OUH ensures strategic focus and direction for innovation using the hospital's innovation strategy.

CIMT is a significant part of OUH's ambitions for strategic innovation, because the centre contributes to OUH becoming Denmark's most innovative hospital. CIMT is a direct result of OUH's first innovation strategy 2016-2018.